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Your generosity

is making a


Through your faithful giving, we are making an eternal impact, helping more people hear the life-giving message of Jesus.


The easiest and best way to give.

Give online quickly, easily and securely. See how God will create a deeper heart of generosity in you when you make your gifts recurring. Just check the recurring giving box and set the frequency that works for you.

What happens when you give to Kiama Baptist Church?

Ways to Give

Financial giving through the church is done in two ways: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is 10% of our income. When we give in addition to our tithe, it’s called an offering.

God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we always want to create opportunities to give as He leads us and with a cheerful heart, through no obligation.

If you’re ready to give, you can do it online, by direct debit, or in-person at one of our services.

    We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure platform ( to quickly and easily give online. Simply click on the ‘GIVE ONLINE’ button below.
    Giving Tithes & Offerings via Direct Deposit is a quick and easy way to give directly via your bank account. You can make a deposit into our bank account via internet banking with the details below:


    General Account
    BSB: 704 922
    Account Number: 100005746

    If you prefer, you can still give during one of our weekend services by using the dropbox in our auditorium. You can use the dropbox to give by cash or check. Tithe & offering envelopes are available on request.

    When I give what happens with my money?

    Why should I tithe?

    What's the best way to give?

    Who can I contact if I need help with giving?

    Kiama Baptist Church

    1/3 Brown Street
    Kiama, NSW 2533

    T: 02 4233 1277
